Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shedding of Blood


Hebrews 9:21-22 In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies. (22) In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.


Why does forgiveness require the shedding of blood? This is no arbitrary decree on the part of a bloodthirsty God, as some have suggested. There is no greater symbol of life than blood; blood keeps us alive. Jesus shed his blood—gave his life—for our sins so that we wouldn't have to experience spiritual death, eternal separation from God. Jesus is the source of life, not death. He gave his own life to pay our penalty for us so that we might live. After shedding his blood for us, Christ rose from the grave and proclaimed victory over sin and death.


The story of redemption begins in Eden with God shedding the blood of a lamb to cover Adam's and Eve's sin, and ends in heaven with a multi-national choir singing, "You have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every nation" (Revelation 5:9).

The blood of Jesus Christ represents two things: 1) the cost of my sin. Rolled on to Christ's shoulders was the weight of my every misdeed from the cradle to the grave. Next time i'm tempted to violate God's Word and do my own thing, bear that in mind! 2) the cure for my sin. My salvation wasn't a joint effort. I didn't contribute a penny because I was spiritually bankrupt. "you were redeemed [bought out of slavery and set free] with the precious blood of Christ" (1 Peter 1:18-19).

The preaching of the blood will offend those with sins to hide, a moralistic ego to protect, or a gospel that offers salvation through good works and social evolution. The blood of Jesus not only saves the repentant but also condemns the defiant, for "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22).

Plagues and apocalyptic hail could not release God's people from the iron grip of Pharaoh. What did? The blood. Nothing but the blood! And the blood has never lost its power. It can a) heal your painful memories b)cleanse and set you free from the sin you dare not speak of c)put a canopy of protection over you, and d)draw a line in the sand over which the enemy dare not step.

Why not take a moment right now to thank God for the blood!


"Lord, thank You for allowing Your blood to be shed. I understand that without shedding of Your blood I would still be eternally damned to hell. Thank you for healing my painful memories, for cleansing and setting me free from sin, putting a canopy of protection over me and my family, and for drawing a line in the sand over which satan dares not step. 'Oh the blood of Jesus that washes white as snow!' Thank God! In Jesus' name, amen!"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Schedule for Bible reading March 7-13, 2011

□ March 7 (Monday)

Scripture : Hebrews 1-3 ; Psalm 25
Observation: What stood out to you from this reading?
Application: What can I take away to meditate, “chew on” and apply?
Prayer: (Together as a family)

□ March 8 (Tuesday)

Scripture : Hebrews 4-6; Psalm 26
Observation: What stood out to you from this reading?
Application: What can I take away to meditate, “chew on” and apply?
Prayer: (Together as a family)

□ March 9 (Weds)

Scripture : Hebrews 7-8; Psalm 27
Observation: What stood out to you from this reading?
Application: What can I I take away to meditate, “chew on” and apply?
Prayer: (Together as a family)

□ March 10 (Thursday)

Scripture : Hebrews 9-10; Psalm 28
Observation: What stood out to you from this reading?
Application: What can I take away to meditate, “chew on” and apply?
Prayer: (Together as a family)

□ March 11, (Friday)

Scripture : Hebrews 11-13 , Psalm 29
Observation: What stood out to you from this reading?
Application: What can I take away to meditate, “chew on” and apply?
Prayer: (Together as a family)

□ March 12, (Saturday)

Scripture : Numbers 1-3 ; Psalm 30
Observation: What stood out to you from this reading?
Application: What can I take away to meditate, “chew on” and apply?
Prayer: (Together as a family)

□ March 13, (Sunday) Reflection, Review, and Renew

This week family memory verse:

Matthew 16:17-18 Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. (18) And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Bridging the GAP


Hebrews 4:14-15 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. (15) For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin.


Jesus is like us because he experienced a full range of temptations throughout his life as a human being. We can be comforted knowing that Jesus faced temptation—he can sympathize with us. We can be encouraged knowing that Jesus faced temptation without giving in to sin. He shows us that we do not have to sin when facing the seductive lure of temptation. Jesus is the only perfect human being who has ever lived.


Hebrews 4:14-16 introduces us to a truth that can transform our prayer lives. It focuses on the person and work of Christ, our great High Priest who helps us in our prayers. "We have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God." Notice: Jesus is our "go-between."

Dr. Tony Evans writes: "The most important fact about our great High Priest is His identity: Jesus, the Son of God, indicating both His humanity as Jesus and His deity as God's Son. He's unique in both time and eternity because He is the God-man. As man He can feel the way we feel. And as God He can fix what makes us feel that way."

When Job the patriarch was being accused by his friends and trying to defend himself, he said, "For [God] is not a man as I am that I may answer Him, that we may go to court together. There is no umpire between us, who may lay his hand upon us both" (Job 9:32-33). Job was looking for somebody who could take God's hand and identify with Him, then bring the two of them together. Job felt that God was beyond his reach.

But we don't have to feel that way! Why? Because Jesus bridged the gap between God and man. He can understand what we are going through when we cry out to Him, and He has the power to act on our behalf. Knowing that gives us the confidence we need to come to Him at any time, with anything that concerns us.


"Jesus, I thank You for being my 'go-between.' You give me access before the very throne room of God. You understand what I am going through, you sympathize with my weaknesses. Today, the Holy Spirit has brought that truth back to my memory, and I will meditate on it throughout this day. In Jesus' name, amen!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jesus my Sustainer


Hebrews 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.


With Hebrews 1:3 the author of Hebews commences a long listing of the superior characteristics of the Son, and in doing shares the essential equality of the Son with the Father. He lists twelve characteristics in chapter one:

1. Son of God (v. 2, 5)
2. Heir of All Things (v. 2)
3. Creator of the World (v. 2, 10)
4. Radiant Light (v. 3)
5. The Image of God (v. 3)
6. Sustainer of the Universe (v. 3)
7. High Priest of Perfection (v. 3)
8. Superior to the Angels (v. 4-7; 13-14)
9. Exalted King (v. 3-4, 8)
10. Lord of Righteousness (v. 8-9)
11. The Eternal (v. 11-12)
12. Ultimate Conqueror (v. 13)


If you're in a fiery trial today, be advised - it's your faith that's on trial! Faith is such a key issue in Christian living that folks in the early church were called "believers" because of their great faith.

Here are 2 things you need to know about faith, if you're going to use yours effectively:

(1) Faith cannot alter purpose; it's only God's agent in fulfilling it! If God's plan requires that you go through tough times in order to accomplish His will (and it usually does), then faith is what enables you to endure. It's like the night watchman that protects God's purposes in your life.

(2) It's wonderful when God prospers you, but don't make temporal success and creature comforts the barometer of your faith! In Hebrews 11 WE find two groups of people: those who demonstrated such faith that their very shadow healed the sick, "and others" whose faith enabled them to bleed to death beneath a pile of stones for the cause of Christ (Hebrews 11:37). Notice, both groups "obtained a good report through faith" (Hebrews 11:39).

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego discovered that when God is with you, 3 things happen:

(a) You'll go through the fire, but instead of destroying you, it'll refine you and reposition you for greater blessing.

(b) Situations that cause others to falter or give up, will cause you to triumph.

(c) When you come out, you'll have something to say that'll convince both friend and foe alike.


"Lord, I thank you for Your sustaining Word in my life. You hold me together, you hold my family together, my health, my emotions, my church, this world, our galaxy, and I could go on and on. We are sustained by Your powerful Word. Jesus, You are the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us! I am so glad that I still see daily the power, influence, and sustenance of Your Word. Help me to be very aware of Your presence today. In Jesus' name, amen!"