I believe it is spiritual warfare. The enemy wants to do everything he can to keep God's children beat down and feeling defeated. Sometimes we just have to keep going by faith and determine that we are going to believe Romans 8:37 that says, "we are more than conquerors through Him (Jesus) that loved us." Regardless how you feel, what you feel, if you are a child of God you are victorious, and God will bring you through the tough times. In HIS TIME! When I feel discouraged or down, many times I open up the Psalms and read the words of King David. His thoughts and expressions are so real, so honest. It's as if he tape-recorded his deepest thoughts, concerns, and feelings. When life gets heavy, go to Psalm 43. Here you see a man, hurting, somewhat afraid and aloof to the presence of God. Feeling alone, tied-up with emotions and troubling circumstances, David seems to burst from the inside out. His heart is heavy. His life feels uncertain. David, who is running for his life, determines to trust God. He pleads. He prays. He petitions. Everything in his soul pours out, better yet, spills out. Ever felt that way? Ever felt like you were running from something frightening or painful? I think we all do. We all face situations that blanket our hearts with fear and uncertainty. Sometimes we feel it's the enemy attacking us. Other times, its just life. Are you feeling like you need God to sustain you? Do you feel you need a warm cup of comfort? I was reading some articles on discouragement today and ran across an article by Jacob Rodriquez. It was a rhema Word from God for me. I want to share some of it with you. There are four things that David did, and that you and I can do, to make it through a season of discouragement (Psalm 43): 1. Position yourself in His Strength - Firstly, David said, "For You are the God of my strength." Sure, he followed that very statement with worries and doubts. However, before merely complaining or whining to God, he recognized that he needed His divine strength. Often times we grumble without seeing the power God has already given us. To David, he could have already been dead and gone. He could have already been killed. But God's strength had preserved him. Sometimes we need do to what 2 Chronicles 20:17 says, "You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you." What a life-changing scripture! It's all about how you position yourself in God's hand. Position yourself; be patient and watchful of the Holy Spirit's influence. Cast all your cares upon Christ! 2. Pursue His Word - David went on to say, "Oh, send out Your light and Your truth!" Being in a place of brokenness unties the often-petty issues around your heart, and allows you to receive God's word openly. David also said, "send out your light", which harmonizes with Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path." Like a lighthouse's beam cuts through the fog and guides vessels towards the shore, so God's word sheds light in dark places-guiding us through the dense fog of discouragement. 3. Persist in Worship - As synonymous with David's entire life, he can't help but worship God in his time of need. He said, "I will go to the altar of God And on the harp I will praise You". This part is so powerful. In the midst of calamity and despair, with nowhere to turn, no one to talk to, David musters up a heart of worship. When it appeared that all hades was breaking loose, and the end was near, all he could do was worship and praise God. He craved the altar. He hungered for the presence of God. I believe this was a defining moment in David's life. And the same can be true for you. Worship changes you; especially when it seems inappropriate, based on your current circumstances. The best worship is not what you offer when standing on the mountaintop, above all your obstacles, but the heartfelt worship that echoes in a lonely cave, where problems seem to be mounting. There is where God gets the most glory. This is where you can exchange your spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise. 4. Possess your Hope - Finally, David hopes again. He said, "Why are you cast down, O my soul? Hope in God." Pay special attention to this progression: after that David was positioned in God's strength, pursued God's word, and persisted in worship...he possesses his hope. Plus, he is able to praise God even more. David got his hope back, because he got his faith back. As Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." So how do we get faith? Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." God's word was in David, and that produced his faith. Maybe you're wondering, "What does all this mean?" It's actually pretty simple. Life takes us all to caves of pain and distress. Life gets heavy at times. But if you can cry out to God, like David did, God is able to come to your rescue. Does it mean your situation won't hurt anymore? Does it mean that all your problems will be wiped away? Possibly not. But what will be evident is the hand of God, pulling you through each step and changing the lenses on your life-so that you can see him more clearly. Blessings! Pastor Rusty The past four months of my life, I have battled unexplained discouragement. I have an awesome family, a marriage made in heaven of 25 years, I pastor one of the greatest churches in the world, but yet…I have been discouraged. Over the past few days and weeks I have reassessed some things in my life. Many that read my blog, know that I have had some health problems the past three months. I am sure that has contributed somewhat to my battle, but I believe it goes deeper than that.
David yearned for God's word. I have found, that when you're in a desperate place, you get hungrier for God's word. It almost seems like no matter what the preacher is saying, your heart melts in your chest and you feel encouraged. When we're in trouble, we tend to be less analytical of the preacher's delivery, the choir's tune, and all the other details that can easily distract us.
Turning to the Word of God is the most powerful thing you can do when in a tough situation. Simply reading or hearing the word empowers and enlightens us.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Four things King David did to ENCOURAGE himself
Posted by Rusty L. Blann at 10:50 AM
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What a powerful word for today. Thank you for always being the same on the outside as you are on the inside.
You have my respect and love - for now and ever more!
Thanks for sharing the TRUTH in love.
love ya!
Some time ago, you said "and David encourage himself" in one of your sermons. That has just stuck with me ever since. I know how walking in discouragement is. It is NOT fun. The real joy that can be seen thru & thru is hard to find BUT GOD! SATAN IS A LIAR and he can NOT steal our peace, hope and joy anymore! Encouraging ourselves can be tough sometimes BUT GOD helps us in the midst of it, I know from experience.
Thank you for that powerful word. You are like a mind reader (I know its the Holy Spirit directing your words but wow), it's scary sometimes how there are days that you hit the nail right on the head and I'm like, "he didn't hear my thoughts....what in the world..." but I just have to thank God because He uses a willing vessel to let me know that He is still right here walking with me.
Thank you so much!
I am praying for you as well!
Thank you so much for just being real and sharing your heart.
I believe that's why you are such an awesome Pastor.
It's easy to follow a leader you respect and love.
Thanks Pastor
Jackie Harrell
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