Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Never count the MIGHT HAVE BEENS!

Good morning! This is the day that the Lord has made, I pray that you started off your day rejoicing and being glad in it! We have much to rejoice about, if we just slow down long enough to think about it. Thank you so much to everyone that participated in our poll Friday, and for those who left comments. God used many of those comments Sunday, and we had four come to the Lord for Salvation in our services. Also, many were encouraged in the Lord because of the shared testimonies. To God be the glory great things that he has done!

When Dr. Robert Schuller, founder of California's Crystal Cathedral, was growing up, drought ravaged their family farm. They prayed for rain that never came. His dad, who normally harvested 100 wagon loads of corn, reaped only a half-wagon full. Schuller says, "I'll never forget it. His calloused hands holding ours as he looked up and prayed, 'Thank you Lord, I've lost nothing. I've regained all the seed I planted in spring.' While other farmers were saying, 'We lost 90 or 100 loads,' my father told me, 'Never count the might-have-beens or you'll be defeated. Never look at what you've lost, only look at what you've got left.'" Good advice! Too many times we get caught up in REGRETS and what MIGHT HAVE BEEN, and we don't give God the thanks that he is deserving of, and we find ourselves "wallowing" in self-pity and before long depression begins to settle in.

Today, why don't you purpose in your heart to be THANKFUL for everything that God has blessed you with. Do you know what the word CONTENTMENT really means? It means, "wanting what God has blessed you with." Not "coveting" what you do not have. Paul said that he had LEARNED to be content. You learn CONTENTMENT by developing an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE towards what God has placed in your life. You will NEVER develop gratitude as long as you camp out in the land of WHAT COULD HAVE OR MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Why not start it off with thanksgiving for you HAVE LEFT!

In Psalm 69:30, David said, "Praise… God… and… magnify Him with thanksgiving," because gratitude has:

(1) Driving power. Paul says, "Thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory" (2 Corinthians 2:14 NCV). Thanksgiving helps you make the hard decisions. It gives you courage to believe against all odds.

(2) Reviving power. Listen to what Paul says, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit: "Don't
ever stop thinking about what is… worthy of praise…. And God, who gives peace, will be with you" (Philippians 4:8-9 CEV). Stopping regularly to recall God's goodness restores your perspective and strengthens you.

(3) Striving power. Gratitude gives you the "uumph" to move ahead. Paul could "press on" because his goals included:

  • knowing Christ
    (Philippians 3:14
    I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward
  • preaching in Spain (Romans 15:24
    I'm planning my visit. I'm headed for Spain, and expect to stop off on the way to enjoy a good visit with you, and eventually have you send me off with God's blessing.)

  • seeing a lost world saved (Romans 10:1
    Believe me, friends, all I want for Israel is what's best for Israel: salvation, nothing less. I want it with all my heart and pray to God for it all the time.
    ) What goals are you striving for?

(4) Arriving power. When you reach your destination, you'll find you've developed selflessness and humility. That's because gratitude is nothing more than telling God and those around you, "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you!"

I woke up this morning thinking about how much I have to be thankful for. Even if you are going through a difficult time, why don't you take the time to do the following exercise, and realize how blessed that you really are.

Write down what you are thankful for in this acronym activity. Start your word, phrase, or sentence with each of these letters:













After you do this exercise, why don't you take the time to share with us some of the things that you are thankful for? I believe that your comments of thanksgiving will help and inspire someone else. I also will use some of the comments in a message about thanksgiving tomorrow (Wednesday) night. I love each of you, and I THANK GOD FOR YOU DAILY! Blessings!

Pastor Rusty


Yvonne said...

Our family is thankful for the love, prayers, & faithful support of West Memphis 1st A/G. Because of it we are able to minister and reach students all over the globe. I am so excited to share with you about a girl from China that is here getting her PHD. Prior to coming to the US she had no thoughts or knowledge of God. She has been coming to Chi Alpha and living in the Chi Alpha house since the semester began. I have been praying with her and for her for a couple of months now and she has yet to receive Christ, but she came to our home the other night and the next day I received a card from her and it had a scripture verse on it "But their trust should be in the Living God. who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment" 1 Tim 6:17b We are believing that the Word does not return void and that she will soon transfer her trust to the Living God. Pleas pray for her and us.

Anonymous said...

Even though this year has been an adjustment for our household having two small ones, I am so thankful that we have been allowed to have the privelege of having this year with Natalie, Jackson and Zachary. It is a year that Roy and I wouldn't take anything for. We have had the joy of watching our 2 grandsons grow and have been able to help out when Natalie needed a strong support group while Cliff was fighting for our freedom in Iraq.I have personally also been given the opportunity to strengthen my relationship with Natalie, which is priceless to me.
I hope everyone remembers to continue to pray for our soldiers and their families during this Thanksgiving season. Their sacrifice has alot to do with the things we can give thanks for.
God Bless,
Mindy Rogers

Susan said...

I am thankful that God directed us to this body of believers almost 6 years ago. I never cease to be amazed at your teaching, preaching and genuine love for your flock!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a sweet-hearted, encouraging husband - and the
parents who helped shape him.
I am thankful for the loving, self-sacrifcing parents who raised me —
and still help take care of me.
I am thankful for fun-loving, healthy, happy kids.
I am thankful for a job that challenges me and a car that drives.
I am thankful for my God-given talents and the education I've been
blessed to receive.
I am thankful that when I make mistakes, God is still overjoyed to
hear from me and be with me.
And I am thankful that I am learning more about God's love and who He
is everyday.

Leigh Ann Kennedy

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a wonderful husband who has been ever so patient with me during the years. I am thankful for 2 wonderful sons that inspire me everyday. I am thankful for my parents raising me in a Godly home and teaching me about his love.I am thankful for friends to share life with. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat everynight, and a vehicle to drive. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful that God so loved me that he gave his son for me that I might be saved and spend eternity with him forever.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry....I think I forgot to add my name to my comment I just sent.
Thanks, Andrea Ramsey

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a wonderful husband who has been ever so patient with me during the years. I am thankful for 2 wonderful sons that inspire me everyday. I am thankful for my parents raising me in a Godly home and teaching me about his love.I am thankful for friends to share life with. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat everynight, and a vehicle to drive. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful that God so loved me that he gave his son for me that I might be saved and spend eternity with him forever.

Andrea Ramsey