Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Genesis 2:18 Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."


Everything in Creation was “very good” (Genesis 1:31) except the loneliness of Adam. “It is not good for man to be alone” points to the basis for marriage: (1) to provide companionship; (2) to carry on the race; (3) to help one another and bring out the best. The word “helpmeet” (Genesis 2:18) refers to helper: one that meets his needs. This companion was not found anywhere in animal creation, thus showing the great gulf that is fixed between brute creatures and human beings made in the image of God. God made the first woman out of the flesh and bone of the first man, and He “closed up the flesh in its place” (Genesis 2:21, NKJV). The verb “made” in Genesis 2:22 is actually the word “built,” as one would build a temple. The fact that Eve was made from Adam shows the unity of the human race and the dignity of woman. It has been remarked that Eve was made, not from the man’s feet to be trampled by him, or from his head to rule over him, but from his side, to be near his heart and loved by him.

Adam had named all the animals that God had brought him (Genesis 2:19), thus showing that the first man had intelligence, language, and speech. Now he names his bride “woman” (in the Heb. ishshah which is related to ish meaning “man”). Thus, in name and nature, man and woman belong to each other. How wonderful it would be if every wedding were performed by God. Then every home would be a paradise on earth.


A nationally syndicated columnist writes: "I'm lonely and it saddens me. How could I not have enough friends? It seems as though every woman's friendship quota is filled and she's no longer accepting new applicants. It's easy to fill your day with work, but it's not enough." And if you think it's bad for women, 90% of men report that they don't have one close friend! Mother Theresa said, "Loneliness is modern-day leprosy and people don't want others to know they're lepers."

Throughout Genesis we read, "and God saw that it was good." It's a recurring theme - that is, until God created Adam. Then He said: "It isn't good for… man to live alone." Think: even though the fall hadn't yet happened and Adam was enjoying uninterrupted communion with His Creator, because he was without human companionship God said it wasn't good.

Inside every one of us there's a void that only God can fill. But since the Bible says, "We're all connected to each other" (Ephesians 4:25 TM), there's also a people-shaped void that God won't fill. And nothing else can either - not jobs, houses, cars, or money. The One who created you for connection says, "Do not be interested only in your own life… be interested in… others" (Philippians 2:4 NCV).

So, the answer to loneliness can be found in reaching out: in finding an unmet need and pouring ourselves into it. Or as the jingle of one communication's company goes: "Reach out and touch someone." Go ahead, try it - you'll be glad you did!

Loneliness can make you do things you wouldn't ordinarily consider. And if you travel for a living you're particularly vulnerable. For example, a motel room far from home can become the breeding ground for affairs, pornography, drugs and alcohol. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time has caused many a man and woman to fall. David prayed, "Turn to me and be gracious… for I am lonely." (Psalm 25:16)

You can live beyond Satan's reach by:

(1) Staying close to God. When you're lonely, distancing yourself from Him doesn't make sense. Jesus said: "I am the vine… you are the branches… you cannot do anything without Me" (John 15:5 CEV). Jesus is your source of strength and wisdom; He's the One who can meet all your needs.

(2) Coming out of hiding. Get involved in some aspect of ministry. Be willing to be more transparent by getting to know others and letting them get to know you. When you spend time around people who care about you, loneliness ceases to be an issue.

(3) Reaching out. Focusing on yourself is a guaranteed way to feel isolated. Winston Churchill said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Instead of throwing a pity-party for yourself, reach out to those in need by giving of yourself, praying for them and loving them unconditionally.

(4) Forgiving those who've hurt you. Feeling sorry for yourself and harbouring grudges leads to bitterness. Forgive, turn it over to God, let Him deal with the offender and get on with your life!

He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him. Matthew 6:33

Somewhere beyond loneliness there's a contentment that's born of necessity. It's when doors seem to close in the natural realm that they suddenly swing open in the spiritual realm and you begin to see the possibility of having the kind of relationship with God you never had before.


"Lord, You understand lonliness. In the Garden of Gethsemane, in an extrememe of sorrow, your friends, disciples, left You. On the cross you asked Your Father 'why have you forsaken me?' You felt the emotion of lonliness. Because of this You sent the Holy Spirit who is our Comforter and You promised we would never be alone, or abandoned. Holy Spirit, You can also bring friends into our life as You direct our steps. I ask You to encourage and strengthen that one today who will read this blog and feel so very alone. Help them to know You have a plan still, for their life. In Jesus' name, amen!"