Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Lord Your PROVIDER!

DAILY: In Genesis 22, Abraham faced a situation where he desperately needed God's provision. And God proved Himself to be Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider. I woke up this morning with an urgency to pray for someone who is like Abraham was. You MUST have God's provision. He must once again be Jehovah-Jireh for you. You laid in bed trying to sleep last night, but all you could hear was the enemies whisper that you will "never make it through this, and you will lose everything." This is a Word of knowledge for someone who will read this. God saw your tears last night. He took notice of your tossing and turning. He heard, He cares, He is still The Lord your Provider, and He will come through for you. He sees what you cannot see. When you thought you had the answer, The Lord knew about a problem that would come along, so He closed the door. He is not only providing for you, but He is protecting you as well. Abraham was ready for the miracle of provision by making preparations. You do the same by keeping yourself in His Word, celebrating His presence through praise and worship, give thanks for the times He has brought you through, and keep your faith in HIM, and your hope in His Word. Correct your meditations from ones of worry, to ones of faith! Remember, Jehovah-Jireh is the same God who brought you out and through the last time you faced a crisis! Blessings.