Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Drop your Sword


Matthew 21:12 Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants.

Mathew 26:52-54 Jesus said, "Put your sword back where it belongs. All who use swords are destroyed by swords. (53) Don't you realize that I am able right now to call to my Father, and twelve companies--more, if I want them--of fighting angels would be here, battle-ready? (54) But if I did that, how would the Scriptures come true that say this is the way it has to be?"


The man who cut off the servant's ear was Peter (John 18:10). Peter was trying to prevent what he saw as defeat. He didn't realize that Jesus had to die in order to gain victory. But Jesus demonstrated perfect commitment to his Father's will. His Kingdom would not be advanced with swords but with faith and obedience. Luk_22:51 records that Jesus then touched the servant's ear and healed him.


Often, people who have a problem with their temper use the Scripture from Matthew 21:12 to justify their lack of self-control. But you have to remember that Jesus went into the temple and "kicked over the tables" in defense of His Father's House. Not defending Himself. The Bible says to "be angry, and sin not." The problem is not the anger, but what we do with the anger. Too often we kick over tables when we should be "dropping the sword."

Jesus spent many hours is Gethsemane before He was crucified wrestling the flesh. He told His sleepy disciples, "the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Jesus asked His Father, "If it is possible, let this cup pass from me, but nevertheless, not MY WILL but YOUR WILL be done." I believe Jesus wrestled with the fact that He could call 10,000 SWORD welding angels to deliver Him from the suffering that He was about to undergo. But through prayer, Jesus defeated the flesh, which is always weak, and chose to obey the Spirit, which is always willing!

Jesus walks away from prayer, fresh with the victory He has just won, and the mob comes after him, caring swords, clubs and lanterns. As they are about to take Him, Peter grabs a sword and swings it and cuts off an ear of one of the men. Jesus immediately says, "Put your sword down" and Jesus reaches down and heals the man's ear. Jesus then tells Peter, I could call angels right now that would come and deliver me, but then I would not fulfill my Father's plan.

Jesus left Gethsemane with an anointing to do great things, and the first great thing He did was to "drop the sword" that could have defended Him. This same Jesus who "kicked over the tables" to defend His Father, also "dropped the sword" when it came to defending Himself.

This goes back to my blog yesterday. Are you "Anger Driven" or "Spirit driven?" If you are anger driven, then you kick over tables AND swing the sword. If you are Spirit driven, you know there are times to kick over the tables, and there are times to drop the sword.

Jesus healed the man's ear so that he would be able to hear the great things that were about to happen through Jesus. Sure the man had two ears, and could have heard with one ear, but Jesus knew that the man wouldn't be able to hear the message because of the hurt that Peter had caused. So Jesus healed the man's ear, and I believe, his emotions.

Too often, because we are anger driven, we have swung the sword and damaged people. We have hindered them from hearing the message of a loving God who sent His only begotten Son to die for them. Why can't they hear? Often it is because one of God's children has become "anger driven" and is swinging the sword.

It is time to "drop the sword" because everyone needs to be able to hear the wonderful Good News that Jesus brings!


"Lord, help me to drop the sword today. Too often I have kicked over tables and swung the sword because I am "anger driven". I want to remember that the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I choose to be Spirit driven today. Please forgive me for the times I have hurt one of your children because of my lack of self-control. In Jesus name, amen!"


Pastor Rusty


Glenda McMath said...

I love this commentary... and I love the new blog header... and I LOVE the writer! -your chicadee

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord, my anger is no longer driven with the desire to kick over tables and swing the sword. The Holy Spirit now guides me to bridle my tongue, not kick over the tables and to drop my sword and bow on my knees. A hard and difficult lesson learned but very worthwhile. Thank you Lord for controlling my anger and softening my heart.