Thursday, January 28, 2010



Mark 15:43 Joseph of Arimathea, a highly respected member of the Jewish Council, came. He was one who lived expectantly, on the lookout for the kingdom of God. Working up his courage, he went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.


After Jesus died on the cross, Joseph of Arimathea asked for his body and then sealed it in a new tomb. Although an honored member of the high council, Joseph was a secret disciple of Jesus. Not all the Jewish leaders hated Jesus. Joseph risked his reputation to give a proper burial to his Lord. It is frightening to risk one's reputation even for what is right. If your Christian witness endangers your reputation, remember Joseph. Today he is remembered with admiration in the Christian church. How many other members of the Jewish high council can you name?

Imagine the faith that is required to believe that a dead body is the key to eternal life. Hope, not despair, makes Joseph bold to petition Pilate, arrange a burial of honor, and provide a newly hewn tomb fit for a King. By action rather than words, Joseph of Arimathea joins the Roman centurion in the confession that Jesus is truly the Son of God. Through Him, God keeps alive the expectation of life, even in the presence of death. For Roman Christians, Joseph is proof that death does not still their witness, but speeds it to the highest councils of the land. For every one who dies, many who are moving toward the kingdom of God will come forward to carry the witness.


As I read the phrase that Joseph was one who "lived expectantly" immediately I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me and gently asking me about my expectations. What am I expecting out of this day? You see, this is the day that the Lord has MADE; He has created this day and He created me, and allowed me to be a part of today. So...He must have something exciting for me to do. I am full of expectation about the possibility of TODAY.

What am I expecting out of my Bible reading this morning? Just to get through my obligation, or for God to pour something life changing into my Spirit man?

What am I expecting out of my marriage today? My children? My co-workers? My finances?

What am I expecting at church this Sunday? Too often we get ready, go to church, expect things to go well, hear some good singing, be challenged by the Word of God, then go home and take a nap. What if I decide right now, to expect an outpouring of God's Spirit in my life and the lives around me?

Joseph lived expectantly, on the lookout for the kingdom of God. Too often, I live expectantly of something bad, or negative happening. I want today to live expectantly on the "lookout for the kingdom" of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When I think about today like that, I truly get excited. You see Spirit-led expectation leads to Spirit-induced excitement!

My choice is to live like Hebrews 12:2 says, "Looking unto Jesus..." with expectation. When I do that, it then isn't an "accident" or chance encounter with that person I run into at the grocery store that I haven't seen in a long time. It is a "divine appointment" and the Spirit of God has something exciting for me to do for His Kingdom. Wow, I LOVE living like that!


"Lord, help me to live expectantly today, an excited expectation! I am so sorry for the times I have lived with a negative expectation, expecting things to turn out bad. That isn't Spirit-led, and I CHOOSE to be Spirit-led today. I am excitedly expectant for what you have for me today, Holy Spirit! In Jesus name, amen!"