Tuesday, November 3, 2009

“Generational slide”


Ezekiel 2:6-8 But don't be afraid of them, son of man, and don't be afraid of anything they say. Don't be afraid when living among them is like stepping on thorns or finding scorpions in your bed. Don't be afraid of their mean words or their hard looks. They're a bunch of rebels. (7) Your job is to speak to them. Whether they listen is not your concern. They're hardened rebels. (8) "Only take care, son of man, that you don't rebel like these rebels. Open your mouth and eat what I give you."


The business world defines success in terms of giving customers what they want. Ezekiel, however, was called to give God's message to the people, whether they would listen or not. The measure of Ezekiel's success would not be how well the people responded, but how well he obeyed God and thus fulfilled God's purpose for him. Isaiah and Jeremiah also prophesied with little positive response (Isaiah 6:9-12; Jeremiah 1:17-19). God's truth does not depend on how people respond. God will not judge us for how well others respond to our witness to our faith but for how faithful we have been. God always gives us the strength to accomplish what he asks us to do.

God gave Ezekiel the difficult responsibility of presenting his message to ungrateful and abusive people. Sometimes we must be an example to or share our faith with unkind people. The Lord told Ezekiel not to be afraid, but to speak his words, whether or not the people would listen. He also wants us to tell the Good News, whether it's convenient or not (2Timothy 4:2). Three times God told Ezekiel not to be afraid or dismayed. When God's Spirit is within us, we can lay aside our fears of rejection or ridicule. God's strength is powerful enough to help us live for him even under the heaviest criticism.


It is a very real temptation with Christians to allow the world to influence us, instead of us influencing them. There is a spirit of Rebellion permeating the Christian church. Being a "rebel" against the enemy, and the ways of the world is one thing. To stand up and say, "I will not be forced to accept something that goes against what God says or wants for my life" is one thing, but to allow "rebellion" to creep in is another. If we aren't careful we will find ourselves "sliding" away from where we were in our relationship with God. When we slide, often others slide with us.

Approaching the end of his life, Joshua calls the nation's leaders together and says: "You yourselves have seen everything the Lord your God has done." (Joshua 23:3) Then he throws down the gauntlet; "Choose THIS DAY whom you will serve. As for me and my HOUSE we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15 NIV) What did they do? "Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua" (Joshua 24:31 NIV). So far, so good!

But take a closer look. They served Him partly, and only when it was to their advantage. The one military action remaining to be taken after Joshua's death was to clean out the last pockets of pagan worship. But Israel "did not drive out the inhabitants." (Judges 1:27)

While Joshua had been fully committed to God, the elders were only partly committed. And the result? Their sons and daughters began to intermarry with their neighbors and adopt their lifestyle. Hear God's Word "Another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord, nor the works of God and they provoked the Lord to anger…They did not cease from their own doings nor from their stubborn way" (Judges 2:10-12;19).

What had shaped their spiritual values? What shaped the Spiritual values of these children? The compromise of their parents! It's called the generational slide. It helps us to understand how our parents shaped us, and predicts how our commitments, or the lack of them, will shape our children. Parent, you get the first crack at it. Give your children deep Spiritual roots as early as possible. That way if they rebel, they'll have the memories and values to return to. Don't just tell them about God, model a Godly lifestyle before them every day! When I allow camping, hunting, fishing, Razorbacks, or anything else to become more importantly to me that my relationship with God, and being faithful to Him, I am setting a very dangerous precedent, and shouldn't be shocked when my kids drift even further from God in the coming years. I want to stand against this generational slide.

That is what Ezekiel was warning about in our text when he said, (8) "Only take care, son of man, that you don't rebel like these rebels. Open your mouth and eat what I give you."


"Lord, it is so easy to allow the ungodly ways of the world's system to permeate our thoughts and actions. We can find ourselves rebelling against God, instead of rebelling against evil that desperately wants to filter into Your way of life for Your people. I confess that I have rebelled against Your Word often, and I ask you to forgive me. I want to REBEL against the enemy who desperately wants to destroy my character, reputation, but more importantly…my testimony. I choose today to allow Your Holy Spirit to point out things in my life that I need to fight against, and die to. I don't want my children and grandchildren to slide away from God in years to come, but to be drawn closer because of my example and model. Forgive me for allowing anything to become more important to me than you. My children are watching…and learning. In Jesus name, amen!"